Firstly, this is not a get fit quick scheme, and you will have to put in some effort. But it is well known that if you exercise regularly and eat well you can be well on the way to fitness and even weight loss.
The trouble is we lead busy lives and have less time to do the things we want.
Enter Quick Fit Workouts - we have compiled groups of workout you can perform easily, at home or even at work in your lunch break (even your tea break!), with no gym required - just a wall and a chair.
Select your workout group and perform as many of each exercise as you can in the time provided.
We recommend using the app at least three times a week, more if you can.
Whilst Quick Fit Workouts is free to download, you will also find some extra features you can unlock to improve your fitness program.
If you love using Quick Fit Workouts please leave us a review as it really helps.
Should you find an issue, bug or would like a new feature adding please email us at [email protected]
Now get Fit Quick!